The Living Jewishly Podcast

Coveting, Capitalism and Happiness

Living Jewishly Episode 124

“Consumptive culture cultivates covetousness.”

— Dr. Elliot Malamet

The holiday of Shavuot marks the conclusion of the Counting of the Omer after Passover, and celebrates the revelation of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. As we come up on Shavuot, a permanent question remains: how might a contemporary Jewish person hear and interpret the voice on Sinai today?

As human beings, it’s in our nature to crave meaning, and the Torah offers a rich source. However, many people wonder how they’re meant to deeply and effectively connect to a message that was given long ago, and feels very removed from their present-day experience in a modern world that pulls them toward covetousness.

This episode of the Living Jewishly Podcasts is a special episode devoted to discussion around the holiday of Shavuot and what we should keep in mind during this time, with a focus on the modern inclination toward covetousness. Dr. Elliot Malamet explores the nature of covetousness, how we may shift our understanding of the Ten Commandments, and what we can learn from the Jewish perspective when it comes to coveting.

“From a Jewish point of view, what you need to do is appreciate what you already have, and definitely focus less on the self and more on making the world a better place.”

— Dr. Elliot Malamet

This‌ ‌episode discusses:‌ ‌

  • How to differentiate between your true needs and the false needs that are imposed from the outside 
  • The existential question that arises when we succumb to extreme covetousness, and the emotional toll that we pay
  • How social media use can make us feel sadder, lonelier, and more envious than ever 


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:53  Intro

02:02  From ‘needs culture’ to ‘desires culture’

03:53  True v. false needs

06:32  Covetousness & “fairness”

08:06  Social media use

10:32  The Ten Commandments

14:07  Manufactured reality & doctrine of the Buddha

16:49  Shavuot & exercises

Links:‌ ‌ 

The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction by Matthew B. Crawford 

The Doctrine of the Buddha: The Religion of Reason and Meditation by M. Keller-Grimm 

The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble To Get Inside Our Heads by Tim Wu 

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