The Living Jewishly Podcast

Using the High Holidays to Change Direction

Living Jewishly Episode 136

“Repentance, in essence, embodies a return to our best selves, the me that each of us really wants to be.”

— Dr. Elliott Malamet

Is it time to change the course of your life? Perhaps this episode of The Living Jewishly Podcast is exactly what you need in order to instigate that change. 

In this episode, Dr. Elliott Malamet breaks down the four components outlined in the Talmud for changing one’s circumstances. Giving to charity, crying out, changing names, and changing actions. As a bonus, he explains how changing one’s physical place can have equally beneficial effects on redirecting the course of one’s life.

As we approach the High Holidays this episode may provide you with the opportunity to explore deeply within yourself, whether you wish to make a change, big or small, and how you might go about doing it.

This‌ ‌episode discusses:‌ ‌

✔   The Jewish teaching for changing direction

✔   How you can implement change in your own life

✔   When to know that it’s the right time to make a change


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01  Intro  

00:54  How to change one’s course in life  

02:12  Giving to charity  

03:08  Cry out

04:48  Change of name  

06:21  Change your actions  

07:36  Changing your place 

11:09  Recap  

Links:‌ ‌ 

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